Using Effective Behavior Change Video Games for Risk Reduction in Adolescents
"Using Effective Behavior Change Video Games for Risk Reduction in Adolescents", Revolutionary Learning 2015: Using Games & Simulations to Solve Critical Issues in Public Health on May 20, 2015, in Washington, DC.
Videogame intervention increases HIV knowledge
“A videogame intervention increases HIV knowledge”, Global Health & Innovation Conference, March 28, 2015, New Haven, CT.
Videogame intervention increases HIV knowledge
"Videogame intervention increases HIV knowledge", Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine Conference on March 19, 2015, in Los Angeles, CA.
A Videogame Increases HIV Risk-related Knowledge in Adolescents
“A videogame increases HIV risk-related knowledge in adolescents”, 20th International AIDS Conference, on July 21, 2014, in Melbourne, Australia.
Partnering with Community-based Programs to Develop and Test a Videogame for HIV Prevention in Teens
“Partnering with Community-based Programs to Develop and Test a Videogame for HIV Prevention in Teens”, Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS on June 25, 2014, in New Haven, CT.
Games for Change Demo Spotlight
PlayForward: Elm City Stories, Games for Change Demo Spotlight on June 20, 2014, in New York, NY.
Storytellers Roundtable: Creating Narrative Games that Change Behavior
“Storytellers Roundtable: Creating Narrative Games that Change Behavior”, Games for Health Conference on June 19, 2014, in Boston, MA.
Social Outliers: Social Apps You Should Know
“Social Outliers: Social Apps You Should Know”, Games for Health Conference on June 19, 2014, in Boston, MA.
PlayForward: A Videogame Increases Drug, Alcohol, and Sexual Risk Knowledge in Teens
“PlayForward: A Videogame Increases Drug, Alcohol, and Sexual Risk Knowledge in Teens”, Annual Conference of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence on June 18, 2014, in San Juan, PR.
Videogames for Risk Reduction and Prevention
“Videogames for Risk Reduction and Prevention”, 5th Annual E3 Games & Learning Summit on June 10, 2014, in Los Angeles, CA.