This Point-and-Click Game Helps Reduce the Stigma of Addiction
Dr. Lynn Fiellin of Yale Medical School and LX News host Tabitha Lipkin talk about reducing the stigma of addiction using a videogame. Fiellin helped develop PlaySmart, a point-and-click game catered to older teens that stimulates life choices around opioid use. More >
Serious Play Conference
PlayTest! wins a Silver Award at this year’s International Serious Play Conference
PlayTest! By Tyra Pendergrass Boomer, in association with Schell Games & play2PREVENT Lab at The Yale Center for Health and Learning Games, is a role-playing game aimed at high school students. The decision-making game is meant to advocate for personal health in teenagers and help increase the use of school-based health centers for HIV testing and sexual health counseling. More >
Yale School of Medicine
Fernandes Named 2021 YCCI Scholar
The Yale Center for Clinical Investigation (YCCI) has named its 2021 Scholars, junior researchers who will receive added support as they build their young careers. The categories of YCCI Scholars are junior faculty, predoctoral awardees, and postdoctoral trainnees. More >
The Washington Post
A Yale doctor is using a video game to fight the opioid crisis
As drug-related deaths have spiked across the United States in recent years, doctors seeking to curb that surge are getting an unlikely new tool: a video game. The game, titled “PlaySmart,” was developed by Lynn Fiellin and funded in part by the National Institutes of Health. A professor at the Yale School of Medicine and Yale Child Study Center, as well as the founder and director of the play2PREVENT video game development lab, Fiellin hopes that by using “PlaySmart,” she and her team will be able to collect more data related to adolescent opioid misuse and provide aid to both kids who play the game and the adults who work those youths. More >
83rd Annual Scientific Meeting at the College on Problems of Drug Dependence
The development of a digital intervention to prevent the initiation of opioid misuse in adolescents in school-based health centers
"The development of a digital intervention to prevent the initiation of opioid misuse in adolescents in school-based health centers." Poster presented at the 83rd annual scientific meeting at the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Virtual Conference. 6/22/2021.
Yale Child Study Center Grand Rounds
A Game Changer: Using Videogames as Interventions to Improve Adolescent Health and Well-being
"A Game Changer: Using Videogames as Interventions to Improve Adolescent Health and Well-being”—Yale Child Study Center Grand Rounds, May 25, 2021.
FCD Prevention Works
Gaming and Teen Health: An Interview with Yale’s Lynn Fiellin, M.D
Gaming and Teen Health: An Interview with Yale’s Lynn Fiellin, M.D, FCD Prevention Works. February 12, 2021.
Addiction Medicine Rounds, Yale School of Medicine
Using the Power of Videogame Play to Tackle Substance Use in Adolescents
Using the Power of Videogame Play to Tackle Substance Use in Adolescents, Addiction Medicine Rounds, Yale School of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, New Haven, CT. February 11, 2021
PASS District Meeting
Digital Games: An Innovative Approach to Substance Use Prevention
Digital Games: An Innovative Approach to Substance Use Prevention, PASS District Meeting in Beverly, MA, Virtual, February 10, 2021.
International Society for Technology Education 2020
RCT to evaluate the efficacy of a videogame that promotes personal health advocacy in adolescents
"RCT to evaluate the efficacy of a videogame that promotes personal health advocacy in adolescents." Confirmed presenter at the virtual International Society for Technology Education. November 29-December 5, 2020.