Harnessing video game technology to shape stronger and healthier lives

Explore Our Games
In an effort to keep up with increased demand and improve accessibility, all of our games are now available via our partner site playbl.com

Lab Highlights
In February 2023, we were funded to partner with the national organization Bring Change to Mind and internationally recognized stigma researchers at Indiana University to conduct formative work, using our PlaySmart game, with adolescents examining the critical issue of stigma around mental health.
In 2022, we were honored to have our games included as important resources for mental health for youth by the Office of the US Surgeon General.
“Playful Functionality”
play· ful | \ ˈplā-fəl \
full of play
func·tion·al·i·ty /ˌfəNG(k)SHəˈnalədē/
the quality of being suited to serve a purpose well